Startups Stack Exchange Archive

First steps to take to get from the idea to the startup?

I have a business idea and already made research to make sure that it is “solid”.

What are the mandatory steps to be taken in order to get from the idea to the actual startup-company?

As I am a single person, I do not have the means to start building a physical product in a snap of fingers. Should I build a website and market for the product before it is built, in order to see the actual demand which I can then follow up with supply? Or should I try to build some kind of prototype of my product first?

As you can see, I am a total beginner on those kinds of things (It is also my first time doing something like this). Help would be greatly appreciated.

Answer 7289

Should I build a website and market for the product before it is built, in order to see the actual demand which I can then follow up with supply?


Or should I try to build some kind of prototype of my product first?


You should do both simultaneously.

Q#1 makes sure your idea is really “solid” - there is nothing better than getting feedback from potential users / customers.

Q#2 makes sure your prototype is relevant to what you are promising in Q#1. It will also help chart out roadmap - as in assigning priority to features, so that you can say “I am going to focus on this first and the other later …”

Answer 7290

Build a campaign on a crowdfunding website like Kickstarter or Indiegogo.

If people want it, they’ll fund it. If you’re funded, hire people.

Don’t overthink it.

Answer 7353

You should do both because these are helpful in many ways. These two always come together. Your website represents your product/service. But first is to think what product/service you want. Do it step by step, slowly but surely. There is the need to plan at earlier time so that in case of some changes or revision you can still have time to do so.

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