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How do I create something which is not damned to fail?

I’ve got a bit an awkward Question: I’m now 19 and I tried a lot of stuff to get noticed by a bigger crowd, to start my own business and so on. From the start, I’ve tried so far

let’s plays, Vlogs, clothes designer, Photo shopper for others, App developement, created 2 Apps, and creating Intros for other youtube channels.

But none of those Ideas hitted any nerve of any people, I spent more money on this Ideas, for than they gave me back, and now, I’m like kind of afraid with my ideas. I want to start my own business so badly, but I learned from the past, that it HAS to fail when I do it. So.. idk if you do understand my problem, but if you do, do you got me any tips?

i really appreciate it

Answer 7283

Unless you are a ninja web developer, I would really recommend getting a few years of experience under your belt (question of education is becoming more or less irrelevant for some areas of expertise).

Answer 7312

First, expect to fail, it happens. The more you fail, the more you learn, the more resilient you become. Keep track of those failures so that when you do suceed, you don’t fall victim to the survivor bias.

Second, the more ideas you have, the better. You don’t want 1 idea, you want 100 ideas. James Altucher says you should write 10 ideas a day. The vast majority of ideas will fail, which is fine, you only need to have 1 work. That being said, before you can execute on an idea, you need to evaluate it. You need to answer the question of “who will pay me for this and why?”. If you can identify a particular market segment and a clearly state a value proposition, you can running some targeted tests to ensure your idea will be profitable. The best situation is get people to pay you for your solution before you’ve started creating it.

Answer 7274

I’m 18 and have felt all the emotions you are feeling. I have spend tens of thousands of dollars, taken out loans to fund my ideas, borrowed from family members, etc. There are countless people that have failed before they have succeeded. Instant success if the only kind of success. J.K Rowling was a single mother living off welfare when she started writing the Harry Potter books, not she makes around $100 a second. I suggest you read this article.]

Some of the most famous people in the world failed dozens of times before finally making something that people just so happened to love or appreciate. Don’t dwell on the failures, they should only make your lust to be successful grow that much more.

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