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Request for new orders from existing clients

I have a client who sends new orders monthly or at least every few months. But this time there is a considerable delay for the new order. Can someone suggest a mail format for asking them when is the next order scheduled or how to follow up through email.

Answer 640

He might have a new supplier or it is summer time, so he was on holiday and didn’t need the product. He might have changed his business focus and doesn’t need your product anymore. There are lots of reasons and you shouldn’t rely on people staying loyal just because they did for a while.

Send a mail and ask him, or if you usually talk on the phone that is quicker. Also if you encounter hesitation from him, you can think about offering him some discount if he orders an abonnement, like 5% for one year monthly delivery, 10% for two years, but make sure you still make profit with those. If you don’t, your default price is probably too low in the beginning.

Answer 13332

I would assume it’s a B2B customer if you worry about this single customer (not to say that all customers are not important)

It depends so much on a country/culture where you are, what kind of business you do.

I would go friendly, first asking how is the business or maybe he’s been on vacation recently and you know where? Ask about that.
Then tell him that you start to worry as there has been no sale from him. Ask if there have been any changes in their plans, schedules, their customers. (don’t ask directly if they switched suppliers) Let him know you value him as a customer, that is why you want to address this personally and help him if he’s struggling with anything you might be a help of. (maybe he has a problem with another supplier, but you have some connections in that industry)

Ask to meet or call, so you can discuss it. You could also mention that you have pressure from management above (if you’re not the top management) as they are planning some numbers and need to know about quarterly sales (they are always planning numbers :D)

I totally agree with the reply to offer some discounts if he is ready to commit to a yearly order plan.

Follow up should definitely be a call.

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