Startups Stack Exchange Archive

Can I call my product ‘Gourmet’ or ‘Haute’?

I am aware that in England some terms are protected such as organic, but what about Gourmet and Haute?

Is there any reason I couldn’t use them on packaging on food made in my home kitchen?

Answer 7323

In-line with my expectation, a google for ‘gourmet’/’haute’ and ‘protected term’ does not reveal anything stopping you from using the terms; whereas a google for ‘organic’ and ‘protected term’ brings up a whole host of results.

You can also see if you would be infringing on a Trademark, e.g. one owned by a government agency regulating its use such as the CE-mark

Answer 7796

Not to be critical here, however one common piece of advice in the startup world is to focus only on building your product and NOT on frivolous details like the name. If you have a product that people will be continuously engaged with the name is marginally important (also it can easily be changed later down the line so don’t worry about this detail that will eat up your time, energy, and focus!).

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