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How to find a manufacturer for my beauty product that I sell in my online store?

I am thinking about starting an online store selling my homemade hair pomade (wax). I know how to create a website but I can’t find a supplier (sorry if this is the wrong word) who will make my product and ship it.

It is simple to make and you can buy all the ingredients off of Amazon. I make it myself for my own hair but I don’t have the time to make all of the wax to sell so I need to find a supplier (sorry again if this is the wrong word).

Does anyone know of a supplier who would create my product?

Ps. It is cooked on a double boiler and takes about 5 minutes to make.

Answer 6187

You have the right word. But the correct way to find such a company isn’t to ask in a forum. It is to use Google and pick up your telephone when you find promising looking companies. Really.

That said, and as point out by @Frisbee, get the order first. It’ll solve 95% of your problems. You’ll probably not find a supplier who is willing to work with too small fry. If it’s really 5 minutes to make per unit, spend a week making some. Then try to sell them before worrying about whether anyone will build it for you. Worst case scenario if you sell your stock: hire someone.

Also, keep in mind that a health inspector might show up at your door at some point. Not saying that you should run some full-blown clinical test or anything. But do consider safety, check with a chemist or two, and document yourself before proceeding. Combining ingredients can sometimes yield surprising results.

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