Startups Stack Exchange Archive

Are there any indicators that the App “market” is saturated?

The term “Startup” appears to be synonymous with “Apps”, are there any publications describing the outlook of the so called “App” market? What’s the overall sentiment surrounding businesses that are “App” oriented in such market?

Answer 6172

I take it app means mobile apps and business is business that builds them

You have a couple different types of apps

The App market as a whole is not saturated in my opinion. App devices and software are only getting better. The game market has been around for a while and it shows no sign of saturation. Same for financial and desktop software.

Answer 6173

App market is in its growth stage. Everyday lot of apps are getting in to market. Lot of companies(many E-commerce companies) are going App only. So I don’t see any saturated App market.
Apart from that if you have a great IDEA which can run only on App the sentiment related to market should not bother you.

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