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Travel in early stage business

We started a mountain bike tour company a couple of years ago. The number of customers is currently low but growing.

I was there for 2 months this year, but we only ran 2 tours (2 weeks) over a 2 month period then I returned for a family wedding.

We’ve got 2 more tours in September, but I’m debating whether to go back for them or to devote my attention to other sure fire money making back in the UK.

My point being is the business is starting to generate some money but not quite enough to fully make a living from which means I’m left with time between tours to do other things- either work on the business website or find other work.

the situation feels a bit disruptive because I’m straddling two worlds- that of the business and that of pursuing other work - they feel a bit like they oppose each other.

Any thoughts or clarifications please ask.

Answer 6110

Maybe you’re just a serial entrepreneur! And if you are you’ll figure out how to run multiple businesses just as every other serial entrepreneur did before you.

Also look at your options. At first it might look like it’s a 50-50 choice since you might succeed with one or the other, with both or with none. But it’s not quite 50-50. Because if you leave and you fail and the current business succeeds you still lost both because you left the old one.

So from a pure math point your best bet is to continue this business and also start the next one. You can bump up the revenue a little to hire someone to do all the trivial work and automate all the business so you can focus on the next idea.

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