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Where can we find learning information and experiences from other SaaS startups?

We want to create a startup, which tries to sell SaaS (Software as a service), in some concrete domain of biology. We thought about using Lean Startup methodology; start with hypotheses, interview possible early adopters, etc. But before we do that, we wonder whether it would be possible to find somewhere already available information from people that have already tried this process, not just in our concrete biology domain, but in the generalities of SaaS.

Answer 6068

I like SaaStr it tends to have a lot more real-life insights. But also SaaS is so big now there are many sites dedicated to SaaS based on your specific niche/industry.

Answer 6091

First of all, there is much more information available on running a software product / SaaS than 5 years ago.

I’m mostly familiar with the community around self-funded resp. bootstrapped startups. Here are a few resources that might help you.

To give a hint on where to start: if you like listening to podcasts I would start with “Startups for the Rest of Us” (link below).






Answer 6064

I suggest you read this white paper. Although it is about PaaS rather than SaaS, and it's biased towards the company that produced it, it gives really good advice especially under the Organization Best Practices chapter.

Also it's not clear if you're product is for companies or not, but if it is you should check out Sam Altman's startup class lecture 12, where Aaron Levie talks about the challenges of building an enterprise.

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