Startups Stack Exchange Archive

How do I protect my startup idea in an academic setting?



Is my concern justified? What advice would others give me about how to best protect my idea and still effectively participating in the course?

Answer 6004

Don’t be concerned about it. It is all about the execution. No offense, but ideas are easy to generate.

If anything, you might only find other people who might be interested in the same topic/niche:

See what Adeo Ressi (founder of FI) says about it:

Answer 5983

I think you should discuss your concerns with the instructor. Ask for his advice. He must have had this issue come up before. You can always consider asking everyone to sign and NDA but I’m not sure how that might turn out?

It seems like there are two camps when it comes to NDAs. Those generally in favor. And those generally opposed. So, in your case, that topic might depend highly on the specific individuals involved. So I would ask the lead instructor for advice first.

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