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Should the Core Team Buy Hardware with Seed Money

Our company currently is self sustaining. We’ll soon get an seed investment though. Up until now everyone has been using their private hardware. Should I provide the core team with new hardware (macs, pcs, iPads etc.) as soon as the investment kicks in, or should we keep on going?

If a team member would ask I probably wouldn’t hesitate to provide something in the range of his needs. But should I provide the stuff to everyone as soon as the seed money kicks in, or should I save the money for new employees?

Answer 5945


Save your money.


Save the money for something you really need. Wait for the “wheels to fall off” on the hardware you currently have. Wait until the performance downgrades to the point that performance issues cost you more in lost productivity than the replacement cost of the hardware.

Seed capital is a scarce and limited resource. On a practical level, it will cost you dearly if you run out and need investors to “re-up.”

This is a “mindset” you should adopt. Not just with this particular issue but with everything. If people get the impression you are “loose with the purse strings,” they will take advantage and ask for more than they need. On the other hand, if you get the reputation for being a “tightwad” (like you need to be) people won’t even bother to ask unless it’s absolutely necessary.

Answer 5946

I would only provide hardware and all necessary tools to employees. No reason to be wasting money on co-founders unless it is a tool that they don’t have and is a real “must-have” item.

Once you buy it, it is a company property and it should be treated that way. Also, all necessary paperwork should be in place for items such as laptops, phones etc. Keep all receipts for accounting and taxes.

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