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Where can I get product feedback from other startup founders?

Where can I pitch or present my product idea to get feedback from experienced startup founders and entrepreneurs?

Answer 5859

Here are some sites to consider.

Answer 5880

If your product is not targeting to have the experienced startup founders and entrepreneurs as users, then get feedback from your potential users.

For feedback on how to build up your product and business, indeed, it would be helpful to look up for expertise advise from senior entrepreneurs. But

For feedback about your product idea you should always talk to your user directly. Identify who your potential users are, think of where you can find them, go out of the building, find them and talk to them. Validate your idea with them. Ideally you have a problem you are trying to solve with your product for your users. Try to find out if your users actually have the problem you intend to solve. Try to find out if the solution you provide is what they want to have. Be user focused. If you prove your product idea valid by understanding your potential user, you would be way more clear on your direction then if you would have an expertise opinion from someone who might not even be a user of your product.

Answer 5870

If you’re building a product that solves one of your personal needs, it’s often best to trust your intuition when initially creating and designing it. This saves time.

Although you might hear people say “ideas are worthless”, they really aren’t. A lot of them are gold. So don’t go wasting your time marketing and selling your product before it’s even out. Especially to other entrepreneurs. Lots of people get screwed that way.

Good artists copy, great artists steal.

Instead, as said before, trust your intuition. You’ll know a great idea when you have one. Then just keep moving with it.

Once you have a working prototype, find peers who have the same problem, and offer them the product for free. You can come back to them later and get feedback like:

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