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F6S UK Tax Relief - scam or legit?

I recently got a message from F6S from London, saying they want to help our company getting claim back our R&D spending into cash (with their % fee). Their speed of operating and insisting on signing the deal seems a little bit alarming and I don’t have any lawyer to gave it a quick look.

I wanted to ask if someone has been working with them, and have a positive feedback?

Regards Milosz

Answer 6007

Definitely not a scam.

They’re offering a R&D Tax Relief Service to startups that takes advantage of the UK’s R&D Tax Credit scheme. They most likely make money by take a percentage from the credit you’ll receive that’s how they can offer the service for free.

If you’re considering using them you should know that there is a process involved and most likely it requires more than just signing a paper. So you should have a lawyer take a look at it.

Answer 7631

This is UK R&D relief.

There’s some positive feedback on the site.

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