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What is the average retention period and retention matrix for fitness industry?

I’ve an online portal which sells monthly fitness membership. I was wondering, what is the right period to decide if we’re able to retain a user or not?

In the fitness industry, on average compliance rate and retention rate is quite low generally. If we’re able to sell our membership again within 90 days then it’s good but if we’re not so had we lose that customer?

If a user is using our service frequently within his monthly membership, there’s a good possibility of his retention. How to ensure his/her engagement and retention?

What should be the right matrix and time to decide if a user is retained or not?

Answer 6008

What is your average retained user’s usage in the first 45 days? Find this out and you can set this as a point where you mark a user retained.

You can also set up an “early retention point” and a “late retention point” where you mark at the end of the first month and the end of the second month. Doing this helps you figure out when you need to intervene.

Taking the concept further another way you could do this is by having a dynamic retention point, which is percentage based and updates each day based on the users usage of the product and the average retained user’s usage of the product for that day. You would have an arbitrary number (ex: 65%) where you would consider a user retained. If it dips below that number you can intervene with bonus offers and such.

The key thing here however is that the more users you have the more accurate you can get with the data.

Regarding the question of how to ensure users engagement I suggest you look into the Community Building Wiki.

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