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Business for Developer and Designer

I am a software developer by profession. I am working full time. I recently hired a web designer to work full time on an idea I had (I pay his salary from the money I earn from my day job). While the idea is being developed, I find my self spending my earnings than generating any cash flow. I don’t feel this is a good business model. Can anyone suggest me a possible business to get into with the skills of the designer and me to generate cashflow?

Answer 5843

Honestly I think you are spending money. I don’t know what kind of business you are developing but as Software Developer as well, I can tell you. Don’t waste money like that.

I would mind to define 100% what exactly you want to do and if you really need a designer, pay for a specific job as freelancer, not full time. For example, if you need a layout for your website, pay just for it.

Again, think about if you really need this and think about other companies in the world, Google, Facebook, they had terrible designs at the beginning, what matter is if you have a good product to offer, a good experience, not the fancy stuff ;)

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