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What happens if my pitch isnt voted up in startup weekend?

If my idea is not voted up in Startup Weekend, but I still get some developers interested to work on it, can I go forward with this small team? It is fine if I can’t give a presentation at the end of the event. I just want to build my product with the people who are interested in it. Is this possible?

Answer 5942

I participated in 2 startup events already and I can say with a 100% certainty that it is fine.

The second startup weekend I participated at, the organizers explicitly stated this exact scenario and that indeed it is possible.

Answer 6256

Yes, you may work on your own project if you’re able to get 2 additional people on your team. At the SW I attended, I actually chose to join a team whose idea had actually not gotten chosen or voted as one of the top ideas. We were allowed to work on it and we presented at the end of the weekend.

Don’t stress it, focus on the experience and networking.

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