Startups Stack Exchange Archive

When is a good time to switch from part-time to full-time in a startup?

I am working in a big company and have a startup with 2 friends, in which we are working part-time.

When is a good time to switch from working part-time in the startup to full-time? I like the startup project very much, but I don’t know when I can quit office. How did you do this in the early days?

Answer 5619

Wait until the income from the startup is stable and sufficient. Stable in the sense that you have regular customers and you have a decent period with an average revenue. Sufficient in the sense, you can draw a monthly income from the startup enough to support you and your family (multiple by 2 if your friend wants the same) while leaving enough in the business to meet cost of operations and fund new growth.

Answer 5616

There’s no right answer, except to say as early as possible.

Get clients if you can. Raise money if you need to.

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