Startups Stack Exchange Archive

Social networking platform for my team

My startup’s looking for an internal social networking tool to use in the office for socialising, and also to group-proof documents.

It definitely needs to:

What do you guys use? What’d you suggest?

Answer 6210

I believe what you are looking for is - it is a great website for companies who are looking to chat and share things in certain groups. It has a lot of features that can enable your team to share easily and get things done effectively.

Answer 5610

You need two tools, then. One to socialize and chat. Another to group-edit and proof-read documents.

There are plenty of chat tools. Besides the obvious like IRC, Skype, or Hangouts, look into Slack, Hipchat, etc. (And don’t miss Zapier and IFTTT.)

For the group-editing of docs, startups I run into all use Google Docs. Two key alternatives include iWork for iCloud and Office 365 with Azure. None of these let you edit and comment PDF files, but they basically covers all other bases.

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