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Who should I address a proposal to when my contact is from a branch, but the project is technically for the entire company

I’m currently preparing an estimate for a web project. My prospective client is a German company. My communication, however, has been almost entirely with a higher-up from the USA branch.

The project is to work with the overall organization’s website and create a US only version. So…largely I’d just be working with/for the USA branch.

My question is this: what address do I put on the estimate? The address of the headquarters? Or the address of the US branch (who I’d largely be working for/with)?

I’ll be e-mailing the proposal, so the address won’t actually determine where it goes. I’m just wondering what is “proper”.

Answer 5490

Use the address of the addressee. That likely means the US in your case.

Alternatively, put no physical address in your offer.

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