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Can I use client information from my internship for my startup company?

I worked as an intern at a software development company and only signed an internship agreement. This agreement declares only limits about the internship and nothing on the company itself, about what can and can’t be done.

I’ve worked at a software company before and had to sign a non-disclosure agreement/vow of secrecy there.

If I did not sign a document like this, nor was it told to me I can’t take client information.

Information I’m interested in: client phone numbers/company names.

Can I use this information at all for my own startup company’s benefit (to later attempt steal clients away from my then would be competitor[ex bad-employer])

If there’s any law involved, it would be Dutch or European law.

Answer 5456

I am reasonably certain that under EU law this would be classed as Data Theft, if not a breach of privacy acts. The fact that you weren’t told you couldn’t take the information is neither here nor there, you probably weren’t told not to steal the furniture, but that would still constitute theft.

I am not a lawyer. Consider seeking proper legal advice.

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