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Best Practice for your first contact with a Publisher

So myself and a friend have been working on a product (board/miniatures game) that we are now pretty happy with. The rules are pretty concrete and balanced (as far as we can tell) and we have gotten a fairly decent following and people very keen to buy/play the real thing.

Currently we have a prototype of this game (with some placeholder pieces for the Miniatures that we dont have the cash or means to design/create).

We recently attended a Games Con (UK Games Expo) and managed to meet a director of a publishing company, but he was too busy to talk with us there and then. This was somewhat a relief as I didn’t feel we’d prepared enough to pitch him on the spot (we didnt have our game with us and had thought properly about what we would discuss). We took his card and left him to his work.

How would we best approach him in future (via email) to talk about working with him and his firm?

Answer 5444

First things first: If you have his card, he wants you to contact him.

It completely depends on the person. Personaly, I would hate it if someone calls me to tell me about something, which needs to be presented.

I’m not sure about your capabilities, but have you thought of an alternative way of presetation, like

The only fixed rule is: “time is money”

You may have 20-60 seconds to get the attetion you need.

Once a consultant told me, you don’t sell numbers, you sell solutions. In your case fun, gameplay, a feeling etc.

Some Questions to think about: Is your game something entirely new? What person do you need to convince? Which relationship do you have with taht person? What are you aiming at? A meeting? An simple recognation? A phone call? Is there a way to have your game reviewed by some persons or even better the target audience of your publisher? Are there alternativ ways to kickstart your game?

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