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Communication issue for startup founders in different time zones

Our high school classmates have created a community that we keep in touch through chatting tools. Our conversations have evolved into business ideas and starting up a new kind of entity.

The problem is that we are scattered in various time zones and keeping up with communications is becoming difficult. Our group is learning about communication the hard way - by trial and error - and we need reliable tools to build it up fast before the 150 members loose interest and traction. We have tried Slack but apparently it’s slow in Middle East.

What tools and apps shall we use? Any idea is appreciated.

Answer 5375

Look into how Automattic does it. (Googling “Automattic remote work” yields lots of useful results, as does browsing around on – it’s basically organized in the same way.)

Their basic process in a nutshell is:

  1. Slack for general chatting. (It used to be IRC and a mailing list.)
  2. Skype for interactions with third parties (e.g. hiring) and live interactions every now and then.
  3. Project and team blogs using the WordPress P2 theme (as done on
  4. A big travel budget so the team can meet face to face every now and then.

Quora answer of potential interest:

What are prominent examples for remote work besides 37Signals, Github and Automattic?

Other cool tools my clients frequently use:

Answer 5376

I’ve run a small international business in the past using various tools. Below are several that may help your situation: