Startups Stack Exchange Archive

When closing down a startup (failed) what do I need to provide to the shareholders so that they can claim their investment as a loss

I have a startup, raised some money, struggled to bring the product to market… anyways we are shutting it down. The investors want to claim their investment as a loss on their taxes. Do I provide them a form, or is it simply a part of their taxes that they handle?

Want to make sure to take care of them.

UPDATE: This is a USA based company. Specifically Washington state.

Answer 5210

It depends on your country.

Fwiw, in France you’d go to court, have a judge liquidate the company, and then provide the investors with a copy of the decision. (Unless the investors are arguing over scraps, they’ll usually have agreed on who gets what in advance and the judge will OK it.)

Answer 5222

Generally speaking the topic that you're covering is about how to legally dissolve a corporation. To do this, you'll need to deal with employees, investors, IRS, etc.

Since you're in Washington and this as you know is a pretty sensitive topic, I'm simply going to suggestion that you review Nolo's page on "How to Dissolve a Corporation in Washington" -- and dig around on Google too.

Lastly, I would highly suggest that you get professional advice from a local advisers on closing out your books, contracts, obligations, and representing in legal documents presented on behalf of the company.

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