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How to sell licenses to manufacturers rather than products to consumers

I’m working on a project and am starting to get some traction, having teamed up with a couple of other guys on it.

The concept is a rather simple vehicle accessory but the end goal would be to pitch it to existing car manufacturers in hopes that they would be interested in licensing the idea or patent and incorporating it directly into their vehicles.

How would this scenario be best approached?

We’re nearing the end of concept and design and my goal is to have a fully functional prototype built and working in about a month. What then?

Answer 479

Unless you have an “in” or are already known from some previous work that will need a very good sales pitch. Assumptions:

In which case what I would do:

Answer 477

I would organize a seminar on your product and invite all possible clients or their sales representatives.

If you have money, organize 2-day seminar in a cool location offering them overnight sleep, good food and party and give them 1 or more samples to test it. It may be costly, but this is how the other companies do (Google I/O, Microsoft, etc.).

Another way would be to find a “contact” in some of those companies and ask him to buy a few of your products and to convince the CEOs to start using them. After that, you can approach to other companies stating that ABC company is already using your product. This is also how large companies do.

Since you are new and small, I would invest money in the seminar.

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