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Where is the best company location to earn more total income on mobile application?

My situation is that I have a small team which has about 4-5 people that work together to build a mobile application. All of our income comes from advertisements in our application. My point is how can we earn as much money as possible from our application? Move to country that has less tax might be help in this case? or Should I also consider other factors?

Answer 4161

The only factor that counts is your local taxman.

And the only valid answer imho is: the country you’re living in, unless you’re an international team.

On paper, your cheapest option is to go with a country with a cheap, flat-rate corporate tax. There are some – for instance Panama.

In practice, you’ll get crucified by your taxman if you get caught, and caught you will get.

If your team is international, look into each founder’s country. But go no further than that, because a nosy taxman will knock at your door one day and ask questions. While it might technically be legal and valid for an international team to incorporate in a tax haven, in practice the amount of overhead involved when the need arises to justify it for the various founders will simply not be worth it. So don’t play with this.

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