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Who pays PAYE NIC tax in the UK? Employer, or employee?

If you have a limited company and you’re its managing director, earning a salary, are you the one who pays PAYE/NIC to HMRC, or is it the company?

Answer 4113

NICs are divided into an employer contribution that the company pays and an employee contribution that the employee pays, but the admin happens through payroll, so the company handles the administrative aspect (and the employee never sees the cash!).

It is sometimes a good idea to make additional voluntary contributions, for instance if the salary you draw is minimum wage or fluctuates. Whether this is something you should consider is a matter you might discuss with your accountant or another qualified IFA.

Answer 4112

The company collects it as part of the payroll:

As an employer, you normally have to operate PAYE as part of your payroll. PAYE is HM Revenue and Customs’ (HMRC) system to collect Income Tax and National Insurance from employment.

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