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Absolutely necessary running costs of a virtual company in the UK

If you create a ltd. what are the costs that cannot be avoided, even if you do not perform any business with the company?

How much cost to create it?

And, specially, how much does it cost each year to run it? What legal obligations does the company have, that cost money? does it need to have a telephone line? A real address where official letters can be send?

Does it cost anything to close it?

I am interested in the UK, but maybe an answer for the US would be useful for other users.

Answer 3939

There is good information on the site on what is involved in setting up and running a UK Ltd company:

AFAIK the unavoidable costs are:

Answer 3937

There are companies who would register a company there and let you use their address temporarily. I registered a company a few years ago and it cost about $300 using a uk registration agent. I see that does registrations for a lot cheaper and they give you an address on some of their plans.

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