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What’s Better An Indivudual Informal Demo/Pitch Or Group Pitch Event

I have serendipitously had two conversations with different people in the last couple of weeks and discussed the start up I’m working on. I wasn’t pitching either one of them, just sharing what I’m doing. Both of them expressed interest in investing. I’ve told them I’d let them know as soon as I have my demo ready to go.

My question is if I should do the demos informally and separately, or if I should do more of an event. If I did a more formal event, should I try to generate some more interest and have larger event?

Also, should I do the demo and a pitch at the same time?

Answer 3859

There’s no single right answer, though in general one-on-one meetings are the way to go, especially when taking on your first investors. If you’re bigger, hoping from city to city doing a roadshow, it’s not uncommon to get the ball rolling by doing an event.

As for the demo, highly suggest not doing live demos, way too much work and risk for the return. Just prerecord what you’d like to show and be done with it.

Answer 3875

Good thing I saw this post today.
So my friend and I had an idea that got us third place in a competition and we after debating the whole Christmas holiday we decided to go ahead. We already had a prototype from the competition so no problem there. A month ago we identified what we thought would be potential investing companies. We printed and personally delivered letters to their offices for TODAY…guess what? No one RSVP-ed,no one showed up.
Conclusion: If you want to proceed and these guys have expressed interest then go right ahead and bring them on board…unless you are Zuckerberg or Gates there’s no point in organizing big event at this stage wait till you get bigger.

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