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How Much Data Is Enough To Trust A Survey Result

I’m working on a survey to validate my business idea. Assuming I have a good sample, how many responses is enough.

Say there was just one question: “Would you use a service like this?”. How many yes’s should I want to have enough confidence to move forward?

Answer 387

Be careful about numbers. It isn’t only about the amount of people you ask. More important is how you ask. Some guidelines:

There are many more hints for interviews and surveys. I reccomend the book “The Mom Test” by Rob Fitzpatrick.

Answer 390

The first problem, even before getting to the numbers, is the question. You’ve used a “forward facing question”. Asking people to project themselves into the future and guess how they will respond to a conjectured future event… is the most risky thing you’re doing.

When you want to know about behaviours, ask historical questions. They’re a better guide to reality. Ask:

How much do you spend to solve this problem now?


How do you solve this problem now?


How much does it cost your business to solve this problem today?

Because if they don’t know, it isn’t important enough to build a business around :)

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