Startups Stack Exchange Archive

Should I protect juridically my source code? If yes, does a private repo on Github act as a protection?

I own a mobile application in France.

Is it worth to file a patent for my whole source code?
Is it a kind of standard regarding most of startups?

Actually, my whole code lies in a private repository on Github, tracking every creation/modification I made on the code with an accurate creation/modification date.
Is it enough to deal with Github regarding juridical protection of my source code?

Answer 3761

From what you say your unique thing is not the code but some other thing, try to focus on that key factor that will separate you from all of your competitors.

For example: Snapchat, whatsapp, clash of clans, instagram can be easily copied and have been copied many times. You can’t get in the way of that. If you are good enough, people will copy you(not exact but similar) and not patents can secure that.

So don’t waste your time with patents for source codes and such, just try figuring out what the user wants.

Answer 3772

We recently had the same question and consulted a patent attorney. He recommended NOT patenting. You should copyright the software. That will protect people from directly copying it. Patents on software are getting harder to enforce. The best approach is to build your business plan before you release your software. Then attack the market quickly and build your product before others can see the value, build a competing product, and beat you.

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