Startups Stack Exchange Archive

How to find a Co-founder with graphics programming experience?

I’m looking to find graphics programmers able to implement a spatial browser UI either in a browser using and javasript or WebGL and C# or OpenGL and C#. The added difficulty lies in the fact that this is a co-founder position opening for sweat equity (up to 45%). A little background about the technology:

So how can I find someone with this kind of a talent?

Answer 3775

Advertise for a suitable person on whatever startups/co-founders job board /website is most appropriate for your geographic region. Google should be able to help you find one.

That person is going to want to know what it is that you bring to the party - if the startup is not yet funded, you don’t have any unique IP, and the technology doesn’t yet exist (you want them to create it), then they’re going to want to know how you add value, i.e. why they would do the project with you rather than just doing it by themselves.

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