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How are online sales taxed?

For example, I have a company incorporated in Singapore and I’ve sold software to a buyer from US. What taxes do I have to pay in this case?

Answer 3664

In the US, no taxes apply at the time of writing this answer. (It may change by the time a future internet reader runs into this, so be sure to double check if you’re one of them.)

Be wary of the EU, as taxes DO apply there. More info here:

There’s also potential for other VAT or equivalent taxing scenarios (e.g. Australia) to apply the same or similar in the future, or for the EU to roll this back, so take this answer with the appropriate fistful of salt. Be sure to get an up to date answer from someone who is familiar with international tax law (i.e. a lawyer or an accountant specialized in this).

Alternatively, use a SaaS that worries about this for you. There are a couple (e.g. Binpress if you’re into software sales).

Answer 3662

It’s likely you don’t have to collect any online sales tax for the US, though there maybe other taxes, duties, etc. due in Singapore.

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