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Retelling news in own words

A friend of mine has unique ability to retell the story in his own words in very special and somewhat funny way (without losing sense).

I’m wondering if it is OK from the legal point of view for him to start his blog where he will publish his stories - I’m assuming that the content he is going to publish is going to resemble the copyrighted content published by someone else, but it will not contain copies of portions of the original content - it is going to be just a short way of telling about exact same things in a different way.

After speculating about this I see no legal issues about this especially if he will provide a link to the original story/post. Do I understand right that standard copyright does not prohibit ‘retelling’?

Answer 3531

Copyright laws defend the expression of ideas, but not the ideas. Same holds true for facts, meaning you cannot copyright a single fact, but you can copyright the expression of a collection of facts.

Based on what you’ve presented, appears likely your friend should be okay, though always best to have a professional review the source material and the resulting end product. In the end though, there’s nothing stopping anyone from taking anyone to court regardless of if they will win in court.

All content is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.