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Taking a ridesharing idea from concept to market

I have an idea for a ridesharing app that would connect passengers and taxi service operators that works as follows:

  1. Users would book a taxi on the ridesharing app
  2. If a user wants to share their journey, then the app will automatically search for a potential co-passenger travelling in a similar direction
  3. Once done the bookings would be uploaded onto a auction system on which service operators can then bid for them

In addition, taxi service operators have access to the auction system (which they pay a monthly subscription for - and this is how the business makes money), on which they can not only just bid for jobs but also post jobs (for example, if they are busy and cannot fulfill the booking) and trade jobs. So the idea is basically a universal mobile booking standard for taxi companies and customers. Admittedly, we are not the first people in the world to come up with this idea.

The problem I now have is bringing this idea to market. It is relatively easy to develop, but I am worried about getting the execution all wrong. So far I am seeing a few areas of concern:

Can anyone suggest how to best tackle this issues? I’d be ever so grateful.

Answer 3441

In a nutshell, sell first; then build.

Typically, you launch a market place by providing something else of value to either (or both) side(s) of the equation, and worry about the match making later.

Question for you: have you been talking to taxis and riders to discover what that could be? If not, that would be a good place to start.

Build something based on your findings, successfully launch it, and then attach ride sharing.

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