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Can I use the words “LLC” for my DBA registered under a mother LLC company?

We have registered company Blabla LLC in Maryland. For this company, we have also filed a DBA (Doing Business As) name, say “AWESOME COMPANY”.

It is my understanding that the DBA works as an alias for the original company. So, can I use the name “AWESOME COMPANY LLC” (notice the LLC part) in places where I need to fill in the company name, and in the company letter heads, etc?


Answer 3370

You need to fill the name exactly as it appears on your DBA registration. You should refer to the DBA registering entity (usually the county, but check locally) about whether or not you can add LLC to the DBA alias if the underlying entity is indeed LLC. But if you registered without it - you cannot add it on your own.

That’s the whole point of registering DBA - use an alias you want to publicly be known as instead of the official name. So when you register that alias - think well what you want it to be.

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