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Integrated platforms for social & email marketing?

My business relies on digital marketing and at my stage I’m trying not to spend the money I don’t have too much.

I would like to have a platform that is able to push my products out onto Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & subscribed emails {digital marketing channels}.

This platform would be tied into my shopping cart {product} and user database {customer}, and ping back actions people take. So based on customer’s behavior I can fine tune the messages I send to them, i.e if Fiona likes hand creams, she gets more cosmetics offers. As much as possible I want to automate such a system.

The stuff on the market seem to be hugely expensive and more for digital agencies, do you guys have any experience and recommendations on this?

Answer 7572

Check out Curalate! Curalate gives you all the social media marketing tools you need to measure, monitor, and grow your brand presence, engage your community, increase followers, identify influencers, monitor competitors, create promotions, and discover content to post. All in one platform. From what your question asks, this is exactly what our product does. Check out I hope this helps!

Answer 601

I've recently started using Klout, which is a great tool for social media marketing. It shows you statistic on when to share content according to the time of day, where your users a most likely to read it. You can also include input from others. You can schedule content, so Klout will handle the sharing for you. You also get feedback on the effectiveness on you campaigns.

For email, I would recommend mailchimp. You can see whom of your users have read your content, make specific content for a specific group of users. It's free for starters, but cost a bit of money as you grow, but reasonable prices. You can also plan, when to send content to users. A really good tool.

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