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Does a confidentiality agreement need to be signed by two people from my company?

I just got a confidentiality agreement from a third party which asks me to sign it. At the end of the agreement there are each two containers for them and two containers for us to sign. Each container has two fields (title and name).

Their company      My company

 - title            - title
 - name             - name

 - title            - title
 - name             - name

Who needs to sign this? Can I just leave the second one empty?

FYI: We’re talking about Germany if that makes a difference.

Answer 3006

I think those fields are just in case there are more than one person (i.e. partners) who are signing the agreement. If you are authorized to sign the document for your company then you can leave the other container blank.

Answer 3285

The second title doesn’t need to be signed if both parties are in good standing (authorized) to sign.

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