Startups Stack Exchange Archive

How can a multi national startup use the Double Irish arrangement?

As a company making profits in multiple countries abroad how does one go about setting up the Double Irish arrangement? Are there any consultancy or legal firms that provide mechanism for setting it up?

Answer 3577

The most important thing about the double Irish arrangement is the fact that the money has to stay in the low tax country. In general, it's a lot of hassle. It only makes sense if you expect a tax amnesty to happen anytime soon:

Tax amnesty is a limited-time opportunity for a specified group of taxpayers to pay a defined amount, in exchange for forgiveness of a tax liability (including interest and penalties) relating to a previous tax period or periods and without fear of criminal prosecution.

If it doesn't, you got a lot of stress, bad publicity and work for nothing in return.

Apple for example doesn't really avoid paying taxes, they just have not to paid it yet. In the meantime they could reinvest locally, but if your income is below a certain amount, spare the work.

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