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App leaving factor because Facebook authentication

When I check out an app and the first thing it ask for to authenticate myself with Facebook then I usually leave it, skip to use it.

If they are popular, like Tinder, then it is ok, I can get use to it, but with unknown apps, I do not want to stuggle with them.

Is it any statistic, how high is leaving probability when the first impression is a built in registration in an app at iOS platform?

Answer 2994

According to a study by KISSmetrics the average drop off rate after any generic login is 30%. Now with Facebook login my guess is that it may be higher or lower depending on the kind of permissions you are asking. If you are asking for only basic read only permissions users are likely to join since they do not have to fill in a username and password field. However if you collect a lot of permissions users are more likely to drop off because they won't share that information with you on a usual login page.

Answer 2997

Not really the answer you are looking for but,

I solved this problem by signing up the user in the background when they access the app. So instead of a login/sign up field, they are instantly inside and can check out the product and their progress is getting saved. They can still do all the simple actions but when they try to make an action that requires a login, I ask for their information.

When you think about it, kind of like how stackexchange works..

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