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Thesis to Startup project

I’m a Computer Science undergrad. For our thesis next next year we’re planning to make a web app that allows the user to upload a photo and the others will comment etc. Our idea is inspired here because we noticed that it’s the common problem in our city. We like our thesis to be our stepping stone to be in a startup. And here’s the thing we’re afraid that no one will got interested on our work. Tips anyone? Should we continue it?

Answer 2977

It will be easier to get people excited about your work if you can clearly define a value proposition. A good way to express it is the following (based on this answer).

For (target customer)

who (statement of the need or opportunity),

the (product/service name)

is a (product/service category)

that (statement of benefit)

To figure out the value proposition you may have to do some customer validation. Think about your idea and build a hypothesis. Then you can create a survey and send to potential users and customers. That ways you will know better if what you are building will be useful.

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