Startups Stack Exchange Archive

Can someone suggest a good place to hire engineering talent for startups?

We have already tried Careers@StackOverflow, and looking for other similar startup focussed job boards/sites for hiring. If the job posting can be done for free like in it will be preferred but we are not limited to free boards. Also does anyone have experience on hiring for a startup through recruiting agencies?

Answer 2932

If you’re looking for someone local then I would check out the scene in your local area for the technology platform you are looking to use. I live in Philadelphia, and we have some pretty good Ruby, PHP, Java, etc. meetups. There are also some general technology startup meetups and they are a fantastic place to connect with a network of people who can make referrals or even apply for jobs. Even if you don’t find the person you’re looking for directly, you’ll get a feel for what the local market has to offer.

If you’re looking for someone remote, and C@SO etc aren’t working for you, maybe link to one of your postings and we can review/critique it for you. Maybe your value proposition isn’t clear.

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