Startups Stack Exchange Archive

Q: Is there a good resource (book ideally) that covers the flow of social media for startups?

There is a lot of information about different services / tools / dashboards. For example:

However is there a good resource / book (ideally) that explains how to work with social media?

Something that goes through posting frequencies and types of content to push, announcements, working with other businesses through social media? When is it better to use videos, should one or should not tweet random ‘infotainment’ to followers. B2C vs B2B social media strategies?

Answer 2950

I found the following book on Amazon, it has a free for kindle edition which you can get :

The Digital Delusion: How To Overcome the Misguidance and Misinformation Online: 7 Simple Steps to Becoming The Online Leader In Your Industry

Answer 3026

I would suggest Just because they have really well put together tutorials for just about every digital subject and you pay 1 monthly fee for access of thousand of courses. (Web Development, Programming, Marketing, SEO, and so on). Here is a list of Marketing video courses that they offer:

Here's a course for facebook and twitter marketing. You can preview some of the videos in the courses to see if it's for you.

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