Startups Stack Exchange Archive

How can I find what pricing is normal/average for my startup’s field in my area

Obviously prices will differ a significant bit between experienced companies with a lot of sway to their name and small or new companies. However I’m interested in finding an approximate range for task based services - ie like a Yearly Drupal Maintenance Contract. Basically like Canada Job Bank wage reporting but designed for a freelancer/startup perspective rather than an employee.

I’m interested in tasks within Web Development/Design/Programming categories.

Most interested in British Columbia Canada but I’d be interested in any published tables whatever the target geographics.

Answer 228

First, be a customer

For any business startup, I recommend first playing customer.

  1. Pretend you are a customer and try to “buy” a product or “hire” a person or service to do this for you.
  2. Evaluate the options: cost, features, ideally against your Use Cases. (Which you hopefully have created by surveying your prospective customers)

The above will give you:

  1. An idea of how you (and thus your customers) would find a solution (where they would look, what sorts of keywords, etc.)
  2. What your competition is: not use price but price vs. features/solution

Answer 223

One word: survey.

If you need information for a limited area of influence, your best bet is to prepare a little project and go shopping.

I’d advise you not only to mock you want a project but to go ahead with it and have the contractor make it. You’ll learn how people in your area are used to work and what can your customers expect from you in the future.

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