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What is a fantasy name? How does that work?

I’ve heard in some occasions about a term: Fantasy Name. But I don’t know what is that.

So, if I’m opening an start-up do I have to choose both Name and Fantasy Name for it? What are the differences? Can any of them be not unique among all companies in the world?

Answer 212

A Fantasy name is made up name (ie fantasy) with no real world meaning. This can be handy as it reduces your chance of name conflicts, and enhances recognizeability - like for example will you recognize Jo’s Software or Jobondare more.

do I have to choose both Name and Fantasy Name for it?

No; all you have to choose is a name. That name might be a fantasy name but you only are choosing one name.

Can any of them be not unique among all companies in the world?

Possibly but not required nor guaranteed. There is no global registrar of corporations; most companies are registered on a provincial/state level and at that level most often there are restrictions to prevent similar names. Fantasy names have a slight advantage there since more often than not they will be unique unlike for example ‘Victoria Shoe Repair’.

Depending on trade treaties and a LOT of legislation and relative ages of companies and amount of legal clout (ie money to burn) a company may be able to effectively have a unique name on a global scale; but in most cases you really don’t have to worry about that.

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