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US states with low overhead for LLCs

I’m considering forming an LLC in another state, and I’m looking for the one(s) that will involve the least overhead costs. Overhead costs that I’m aware of are: taxes, initial fees, and annual fees. The best answer will (A) provide the name of one or more US states and (B) list and link the relevant fee schedule(s).

Answer 1841

For an answer as detailed as what you’re hoping, you’ll want to ask a lawyer.

The two notoriously popular choices are Delaware and Nevada. Per Wikipedia:

Many corporations (especially public ones) have found Delaware’s laws and specialized courts attractive, while many private corporations have found Nevada’s corporation law attractive as well. More than half of US corporations are incorporated under the Delaware General Corporation Law (DGCL).

Here’s a longer list that expands on the attractiveness of South Dakota, Wyoming, Nevada, Florida, Alaska, New Hampshire, Montana, and Delaware.

Be wary that this is mostly for larger corporations though. For a small business, the advantages get washed out by the added fees and paperwork of trying to operate out of State – not to mention the taxman coming after you if your home state decides you’re just trying to sidestep taxes.

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