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Should I launch the first version of my product really right now?

I spent almost 2 years working (alone) on a really performant iOS/Android free app in the domain of social network.
Technologies were complex and really new (autodidact), and concept very novative (existing nowhere) explaining the delay.

Unfortunately, I discovered pretty late the Lean Startup philosophy, that’s why I spent most of my time to really improve the product…bad :)

Now, there are people that are exciting about using the app, other that want some really specific features before they want to use it.
An example of the features that some people really expect is the presence of a full user profile. Details for certains (due to the nature of the concept that doesn’t really require it, as weird as it sounds), really important for others.

In a “Buzz”-oriented mind, should I launch the product right now, and improve it along the way, or should I spent about one month to build the feature that some (not the major part) people expect.
Indeed, we all know that nowadays, an app could easily be directly trashed if people don’t use them at the very beginning (especially teenagers).
On the other side, some potential concurrents could take the market before me…

The point is I really want to amaze the majority of users.
However, I still can have a small community that would use the app with the actual features.

Any advice would really be appreciated.

Answer 1811

Any reason you’re hesitant to release what you’ve got other than a less than absolutely perfect first impression? Sounds like your beta testers think you’re on to something.

Listening to Release Notes and Core Intuition podcasts recently (both are about creating iOS apps and are geared towards indie devs), the advice seems to be to release quickly to see if your idea has any traction so you know before you throw too much time into an unsustainable idea. Sounds like you might be in danger of doing just that.

The point is I really want to amaze the majority of users.

Or start by getting 1000 true fans.

[Channeling the advice I’ve heard and am taking…] Make sure your app has table stakes for your market plus a killer feature, and release the kraken. A month isn’t bad, if you’ve got the cash and can make danged sure you cut bait and release if the month comes and goes, but you get the picture.

Want to know if your app has legs? Ask the market – ASAP.

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