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marketing an app during the holidays

This is a follow up of sorts to For many app developers, it’s not feasible to create a holiday version of their app. I was wondering if there are other seasonal strategies that smaller companies can use to gain users during the holidays or is it better to wait out this busy season?

Answer 1730

On mobile platforms, the best example I’m aware of is to create a special seasonal release.

For instance, “Cut the Rope: Holiday Gift”.

As a freebie, it is useful on two fronts: it served as a reminder for existing clients. It was also an opportunity for existing clients to actively share and promote the app to their friends.

Answer 2904

In order to increment your user base you can use the “2x1” strategy. This means, imagine your app has a monthly subscription, you can say “Buy one and give one free to a friend”. If your service is good enough (and you are lucky enough) this friend will start paying after the free month.

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