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Startup with Mailing Address in a different state

My company is registered in the state of Pennsylvania in the US and I plan to open a Post Office box for my company in the state of New York.

Will this count as physical presence in New York for the purposes of taxes?

Answer 42

Based on

  1. This post
  2. The Startup NY eligibility page
  3. The questions in the Startup NY Contact form

I believe that it takes more than a simple PO Box to qualify for the NY Tax rates. It appears the NY goal is to generate revenue via the individuals brought in/employed by start-ups.

Answer 41

This is a difficult question to answer. Having the P.O. box alone would probably not be sufficient to constitute an in-state physical presence, but the box in conjunction with a lot of business done in New York might be.

You’d have to do arguably-extensive research into New York case-law to really come to a conclusive answer on that. It’s a fairly subjective matter, law, so it’s hard to say, but your best bet might be to speak with an attorney, or even perhaps a tax accountant with specific experience with New York laws.

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