, trademark
, sell
This product on Aliexpress is blatant that it is a South Park sweater, yet I can almost guarantee the seller does not have permission to sell this brand merchandise. Is permission required?
Is permission to sell merchandise from Google Maps screenshots like this required?
What about this pattern from the Solo Cup company?
How about this design from an episode of Spongebob?
What about this alternate rendition of Pepe, a cartoon frog created by Matt Furie?
Lastly, this classic car rug has to have a design creator.
So is permission from the creator required to sell these kinds of artworks?
“Is permission required” is an interested question. Permission is required to avoid a lawsuit. But there is a low chance that there will be a lawsuit brought by the intellectual property owner (whether it’s copyright, trademark, patent, or something else).
However, if there is a lawsuit against the person on Aliexpress, it could cost that person a lot of money in legal fees, the little money they made from selling the shirts, and legal “damages”. So it is probably not worth the risk.
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