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The relevance of User Experience In Business Models?

Is User Experience a relevant concept when designing business models?

I’m researching on how user experience or other concepts go from Business Models Plans to product delivery.

I assume that most of the time is a good idea to keep in mind user experience ? In what case is useful to NOT consider User Experience-

Answer 13416

It’s relevant in the sense that you ought to budget some kind of designer - at least a part-time one.

Speaking personally, I find there’s very little point in pouring resources into marketing and selling a scratch your eyes out ugly product that end users shudder at the very thought of using. But I am aware that products with bad to terrible UX can and do sell. By the billions worth of it, in fact (as long as obviously better alternatives don’t exist). Take ERP software or pre-iPhone smartphones.

Related reading:

Answer 13495

In my experience building web platforms and hardware solutions its always important.

User experience is the way a product is experienced by the user. It covers the following and then some:

This is probably something you have experienced before, imagine using a phone outside that did not compensate for the bright sun? Would you brag about how amazing that phone is? Would you buy another like it if yours broke? I would hazard a guess that you would not.

User experience is an important pillar in a business model. Its sometimes the basis of competition in a market. Take the automobile market for example. In the low end cars the variety of options for interior gadgets are what the cars compete on, nobody cares anymore about engine size or how much road noise there is.

Its even important to fast food… ever ate a McDonalds burger that fell apart? Unless it was a tower like one, chances are that you didnt experience that irritation that comes with sauce and lettuce flowing out the back and onto your pants :-) even they considered it…

I assume that most of the time is a good idea to keep in mind user experience ? In what case is useful to NOT consider User Experience-

I would strongly advise against ignoring user experience in a business model. Most of the time at the stage of business model development you wont have a definition of what your user experience needs to be but you must always write down your questions around it. Then find the answers as your product starts to take shape.

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