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Score Plagiarism on 2 Laravel projects?

I have an ex-employee that stole all our source code in July and last week we found out that he had launched a competing website to ours. We caught him in the act of copying everything off, police were called, drives confiscated, charges filed…

I now have a copy of his project, and of course a copy of mine. I found the software Beyond Compare ( which seems to do a great job on a one by one basis, but it would be very time consuming to try to end up with any “score” of how much of the original code is still in his existing project. I was kind of imagining a total score, then the top 50 matches with each of their scores.

I have been looking for PHP Plagiarism software, but most of my results are scripts written in PHP to score txt files. Does anyone know of an affordable solution?

Answer 13397

IANAL, but FWIW methinks the affordable solution is counterintuitive and breaks down to: let it go.

Two dirty little secrets:

  1. An idea is nothing without execution
  2. Execution is nothing without marketing and sales

Engineers occasionally grok 1); they rarely grok 2). By which I mean they might go off to create a better engineered product, but then won’t know how to market it and will fail because of that.

Edit in light of the comments:

Usually, it’s best to wait and sue when there’s actually something worthwhile to collect - assuming there ever will be.

But as you’ve begun to fight this, you’ve no clean, cheap options. Hire a lawyer by yesterday - it won’t be cheap, but it’ll be better than having a rogue employee releasing before you and doing outbound on your 75k member list.

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